Friday, February 6, 2009

Tug of War Anyone?

As I've noted, it has been cold and snowy around here for a while. This leads to some complications at my house. My DW and I have a queen size bed which we make up with a fitted sheet and a down comforter in a duvet cover. She has a tendency as she sleeps to pull the comforter up over the top of her head. While I don't wind up like the poor guy in the cartoon above, I tend to be left with my feet out from under the bottom of the comforter.

Occasionally (ok, maybe more than occasionally) DW sits downstairs working at her computer after I've already come up to bed. Not to rant, but I seem to be the footwarmer even though I found her a very nice hot-water bottle with a fuzzy cover for those icy toes!

Suggestions for the slightly chilled?


Da Goof said...

Get a dog!

You'll have a host of new issues, like waking up before sunrise to a dog on your chest licking your face, but your feet won't be cold.

Mel and Angus said...

Your post captured my DH and I. Except he is the blanket stealer! However, when I finally made it to Scotland I found I was sleeping right smack in the middle of the bed. He was hanging on the edge. Through all that we still manage to make it work.

Canoez said...

Good luck, Mel. You'll need to try the German method and go with two separate duvets. That way, the only person you're stealing the duvet from is yourself!

BTW, you may enjoy my wife's blog. She's an ex-pat Brit who has done just the reverse of what you have done. Check her out at

The Prodigal Tourist said...

Comforters are hopeless. We use a king size sheet & blanket on top of the queen fitted sheet. Nothing you can do about the frozen toes though--stiff (frozen) upper lip and all that? Guess you could tell your wife to keep her socks on and think of England...