Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Here's a shameless plug!

I just put up another link to a blog that's written by one of the forumites (inmates?) from the WoodenBoat Forum which is hosted by the folks at WoodenBoat Magazine. The gentleman's name is Russ Manheimer and he lives in New Jersey. Russ is the owner of a pretty little lapstrake double-ender named Sjogin, pictured above. Russ keeps a neat blog of interesting bits about his boat and his family at his website Hove to off Swan Point. It is mostly a neat collection of pictures from down at the the dock and around the house.

Recently, Russ was published in WoodenBoat #200 with an article about his beloved Sardine stove on board Sjogin. As you can tell from Russ' blog, the stove seems to get a great deal of use making tea (with rum, of course) and frying up bread. The beauty of the stove for him is that he can use his boat almost all year-round - if not for sailing, for a quiet place to read and have a cup of tea.

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