Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Tech Tip Tuesday

It isn't often that I have a specific tool that I rave about. Today, I'll make an exception about a tool that I've found to be very, very handy. It's called a Shinto Rasp. I purchased it from Japan Woodworker, but it may be available from other sources that I'm not aware of.

To be perfectly honest, I don't often find a use for a rasp in my woodworking, but in fairing stems, cleaning up epoxy and rough shaping of unusual contours, I've found this to be very useful. It's basically saw blades that have been joined together and put in a handle.

Because of the open design, it doesn't clog and need clearing in the same way that a rasp often does. This was particularly useful in clearing out hardened epoxy from places that it wasn't desired on the kayak frame. It has two different sides - an 11 TPI side and a 25 TPI side.

Coarse 11 TPI side

Fine 25 TPI side

Amazingly, it was able to be used on the edge grain of the marine plywood we're using, hardwood and softwood without tearing or chipping when using the "fine" side. The more I use it, the more that I like it.

"It's not clothes that make the man, it's tools."


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