Sunday, May 4, 2008

Picking up speed...

Ok, my buddy up above, the vulture has been circling around again. One of my milestone birthdays has been approaching for a bit now. (NOTE! It STILL isn't here yet.)

Today, a friend and his significant other were up visiting as this friend's niece got married yesterday. Being as how they aren't up in this area very often, we thought it would be great to have a bunch of friends together while they are here. My wife and my other friends who were here decided that this would be a good time to celebrate my impending oldness. My wife bought a cake and one or my friends brought a little package with some "interesting" things.

It included some of the following:


Reading Glasses

Gold Pond Powder


The obligatory "I'm XO - Over the Hill" Pin. Epsom Salts

The loofah on a handle for those places that you can't reach to wash anymore...

A denture bath and brush

A LARGE box of White-out for all the mistakes I'll be making. (ALWAYS needed that!)

Ok. so does this make me officially older than dirt?

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